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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Millie Bobby Brown’s *Damsel* Becomes a Massive Netflix Hit, Surpassing Expectations

Millie Bobby Brown’s *Damsel* has turned into an even bigger hit for Netflix than anticipated, topping the platform's 2024 viewership charts and cementing its place as one of the year’s biggest streaming successes. Despite mixed critical reviews, the film has resonated with audiences worldwide, showcasing the power of Brown’s star appeal.

*Damsel* follows Brown as a young woman trapped in a perilous world filled with dragons and danger, forced to fight for her survival. The fantasy epic, while receiving critique for its predictable plot, has connected deeply with Netflix’s global audience. Millie Bobby Brown’s strong fanbase, coupled with the film’s high-stakes action and adventurous storyline, has driven its success.

In its opening week alone, *Damsel* shattered streaming records, drawing millions of viewers. The film’s popularity is a testament to Brown’s growing influence as one of Hollywood’s leading young actresses. With *Damsel*, she has successfully expanded her repertoire, further proving that her post-*Stranger Things* career is just beginning to take flight.

Netflix’s latest data shows that *Damsel* continues to gain traction, making it one of the platform's standout releases of 2024. Brown’s compelling performance and the film’s thrilling premise have proven to be an irresistible combination for viewers, ensuring its ongoing dominance in the streaming world.



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